We need to make breakthroughs in materials and devices in the areas of “energy generation,” “energy conservation,” and “energy for livestock” to solve the energy problems we face. To this end, our laboratory develops materials and device processes by making full use of physics, chemistry, and engineering, which are not bound by the framework of conventional fields.
Specifically, we fabricate oxide thin films with new structures and functions by taking full advantage of thin film fabrication techniques that allow us to control the structure and composition of thin films at the atomic level. We also use various analytical techniques to characterize the properties of the fabricated materials. In particular, advanced measurement techniques such as terahertz spectroscopy using ultrashort pulsed lasers are used to reveal the dynamic behavior of electrons and ions. In this way, our laboratory aims to contribute to green energy materials and device engineering by performing all processes from synthesis of materials to fabrication of devices and measurement and analysis of their properties.